The Dark Knight Rises
Director | Christopher Nolan |
Release year | 2012 |
Genre | Action / Drama / Thriller |
My watch history | 2018-06-27 2023-10-29 |
Actors | Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anna Hathaway, Gary Oldman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine |

Gotham City is under a threat when a criminal called Bane arrives and get his hands on a nuclear bomb. He is a strong and powerful enemy that he manages to beat Batman and throw him to jail what is under the ground and where is hard to escape. When Batman is away Bane and his crew make chaos and anarchy in Gotham, but soon the dark knight returns to save the city from Bane. It turns out that Bane and woman who is working with him have shared history with Ra's al Ghul and the League of Shadows.
This was excellent movie what works as a stand alone movie so you do not need to see other two Batman movies on this serie before this, but if you have seen those then those give more perspective and more depth to the story and characters. Story is interesting and it is developing well. In the end there is interesting surprise about the lady who is working with Bane and it gives a nice twist to the story and the characters and it destroys the illusion what was built before that about who is who and how they are related to Ra's al Ghul.
Visuals and the audio of this movie was top notch like those were in two previous movies as well. Acting, directing and all the basic stuff just works well as it is excepted in movie of this scale.
Only what I didn't like that much was Bane and he was the least interesting enemy of Batman in this trilogy. He didn't had that much of charisma like Joker or Ra's al Ghul had. I don't know why, maybe he was not built enough or maybe his voice was just feeling inappopriate to his character or whatever the reason, but surely that is only a small negative side in this movie.
All in all this movie is good ending of the trilogy, it had nice small references there and there to older movies but it still stands strongly on its own feets. Worth the watch multiple times.
Review written: 2023-10-29