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The Dark Knight

Director Christopher Nolan
Release year 2008
Genre Action / Crime / Drama
My watch history 2021-08-14
Actors Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Monique Gabriela Curnen, Ron Dean, Cillian Murphy, Chin Han


A White Knight of Gothamn, Harvey Dent is fighting against criminals succesfully. His actions has led many mafia guys to jail but out of nowhere comes a mentally unstable criminal called Joker who change this succesfully history against crimes back to tighter fight. Batman trusts the Dent and helps him, but when too much is taken from Dent in his fight against criminals he becomes a monster himself.

This was a very well made action crime movie. It's story is excellent and it have enough surprising turns without making the main plot confusing or meaningless, characters are interesting and they have personality and visually this just looks stunning. Like the Batman Begins, this is a great movie on its own genre.

Review written: 2023-10-19