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An Era Of Destruction

	One plus one does not equal two
	But the actual one itself has been found
	You can count and see the numbers 
	How they took the negative scale
	Going back to the original state
	When the one had a different form
	We have lost our perspective; 
	There is no weakness in substraction
	Why have we lost the deeper meaning
	Of that all and what it symbolize
	Point of a rule it was not a temptation
	But the shield against immorality

	Can you now see the meaning of those words
	When the whole world is crumbling down
	Lack of morality in our society
	It is the toxic venom kiss
	What it does mean to you
	Why do you do carry your symbol
	It is a mark of something bigger
	Something you cannot describe
	Neither start nor the end point
	Can be found in this symbol
	What should be the sign of a freedom
	For those it is the mark of a slavery
	All around we see destruction
	What comes after the promises broken
	Scattered hopes and temptations
	Leads us to the inner dark age

	Innocence is a value no more
	And nothing should be hidden anymore
	Everything should be revealed
	In the name of a freedom
	Commandments are now forgotten
	In this era of hedonism
	We are fighting against the unseen
	In our marches of the flesh
	Sickness has been turned around
	Stained in rejection of hope
	Barely scratching the itch inside
	Under the nails still lots of blood
	Unknown enemy is here with us
	Speaking the words we want to hear
	We gave the born for the unborn
	Technological ways to the new Babel
	Normality is the mental sickness
	In their blinded stares
	Ironic state of tolerance;
	We are not accepted anymore

This text were written somewhere between 2010 and 2013.