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Vesa-Matti Loiri - Eino Leino

  1. Höyhensaaret
  2. Elegia
  3. Tulkaa Kotiin
  4. Ja Vuodet Ne Käy
  5. Laulajan Laulu
  6. Nocturne
  7. Väinämöisen Laulu
  8. Hautalaulu
  9. Kun Muistelen
  10. Lapin Kesä

Some words about this album

Yesterday when I had assembled my new IKEA furniture I put bag of my random CD's to shelf. These CD's I had bought years ago quite reasonable price but many of them are still waiting for listening. I found out that here was couple of albums from Vesa-Matti Loiri so I put this disc on a player and just took it easy and relax ony my bed listening this album. It was good and something I want to give more attention in future. Great songs in general.

Written: 2023-04-24