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Led Zeppelin - S/T (aka. Led Zeppelin - I)

  1. Good Times, Bad Times
  2. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
  3. You Shook Me
  4. Dazed And Confused
  5. Your Time Is Gonna Come
  6. Black Mountain Side
  7. Communication Breakdown
  8. I Can't Quit You Baby
  9. How Many More Times

Some words about this album

I started listening Led Zeppelin and this album when I was working on an antique store in Jyväskylä, Finland. Year was something around 2006 to 2009 or something, can't remember for sure anymore on what year. Anyway I listened this album and other Zeppelin albums back then when I was adding books to net shop of that antique store and found that Zeppelin is actually quite good. Of course I had heard classic song Stairway to Heaven long time before this album and had also heard some of their other songs as well, but I had never liked them except that Stairway to Heaven song. It changed with this album and I started to like them and I still think they are good in many albums.

Best song for me on this album is still Babe I'm Gonna Leave You. I also like Dazed And Confused. It is interesting that how it have same guitar riff than on Black Sabbath - Paranoid intro riff.

Written: 2023-04-30