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Laleh - Colors

  1. Speaking Of Truth
  2. Colors
  3. Sway
  4. Dark Shadow
  5. Stars Align
  6. Wish I Could Stay
  7. Return To The Soil
  8. Goliat
  9. En Stund På Jorden
  10. Solen Och Dagen

Some words about this album

The first song from Laleh was probably the song Colors and if I remember right it was via YouTube when I was listening random songs. It was already couple of years ago and after that I have bought couple of her albums and this album still feels excellent and fresh.

Beautiful songs, catchy elements, quite much variation in song styles but still not too much to make album a mess - far from it - and vocals in english as well as in swedish.

Personal favourites from this album still are Colors and Stars Align, but it is hard not to like other songs as well. This album is a solid album from beginning to end and it is always nice to return to this CD.

Written: 2023-10-22