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Harmaja - Lento

  1. Alkusoitto
  2. Viipyvä virta
  3. Hauras
  4. Pelkkä ihminen
  5. Kuuletko
  6. Liian pimeä
  7. Murheenlaulaja
  8. Palasia
  9. Veli
  10. Ei viha
  11. Kuinka me voimme
  12. Loppusoitto

Some words about this album

I can't remember when I bought this album, but I think that I have heard this probably same year when it was released or at least not very long after that. I like this album, it is good and atmospheric. JP Leppäluoto have a nice vocals and songs are good. All in all, good album still even on 2023.

Written: 2023-06-01