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Dark Tranquillity - The Gallery (Deluxe Edition)

  1. Punish My Heaven
  2. Silence, And The Firmament Withdrew
  3. Edenspring
  4. The Dividing Line
  5. The Gallery
  6. The One Brooding Warning
  7. Midway Through Infinity
  8. Lethe
  9. The Emptiness From Which I Fed
  10. Mine Is The Grandeur...
  11. ...Of Melancholy Burning

    Bonus Tracks:
  12. Bringer Of Torture
  13. Sacred Reich
  14. 22 Acadia Avenue
  15. Lady In Black
  16. My Friend Of Misery

Some words about this album

This is maybe The Album from Dark Tranquillity to me. It seems that most often I will return to this album when I want to listen Dark Tranquillity after there has been a some time from previous listening of the band. This album is just great metal album.

Written: 2023-04-21