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Bolt Thrower - Honour - Valour - Pride

  1. Contact - Wait Out
  2. Inside The Wire
  3. Honour
  4. Suspect Hostile
  5. 7th Offensive
  6. Valour
  7. K-Machine
  8. A Hollow Truce
  9. Pride

Some words about this album

Straightforward death metal from the beginning to the end. Not too much variety in riffs or vocals, but it works in its own genre. Sometimes drums are so in line that it almost feels unnatural, like it would have been quantized to be in perfect alignment. Hard to say if it or not and in the end it does not matter to me.

I can't remember when or where I have got this album and it has been plaing mostly as a background music. Gotta give more attention to this album in future so I can decide what I like about this.

Written: 2023-08-18