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Director Luis Buñuel
Release year 1961
Genre Drama
My watch history 2023-12-31
Actors Silvia Pinal, Francisco Rabal, Fernando Rey, José Calvo, Margarita Lozano, José Manuel Martín, Victoria Zinny


A woman called Viridiana who is living in the convent and whom should soon to be a nun goes for a visit to his uncle with whom she have not have had much communication. Her uncle have paid her time in convent so she decided to go to see him even she is not very interested to go in the first place. It turns out that her uncle is a strange man and he wants to marry her and he even behaves inproperly on some levels towards Viridiana. Afterwards he even lies that he have made her inproper for convent when she was passed out, but that does not help Viridiana to want to stay. She is going away but soon she returns since her uncle has hunged himself. His house goes to her and her uncles son and a relationship between him and Viridiana is not normal either. Viridiana learns the cruelty of the world outside the convent when people who she have been good starts to behave terrible ways.

This was interesting but somehow confusing movie. It was well made and its acting was good. Story was interesting and somehow reminded me much newer movie, Ida, on some degree which of course is not a bad thing.

All in all this was a good movie.

Review written: 2023-12-31


These are taken from DVD version.