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Director Kurt Wimmer
Release year 2006
Genre Action / Sci-Fi
My watch history 2024-03-18
Actors Milla Jovovich, Cameron Bright, Nick Chinlund, Sebastian Andrieu, Ida Martin, William Fichtner


Virus has made some people more like vampires and there is war between humans and vampires. Violet steals the case where might be the cure for the virus, but for her surprise she finds there only a boy called Six. Six is going to die soon but Violet tries to help him.

This movie was mostly boring. Story was not told very well, it had not much depth, all characters feels meaningless and in the end it is just lots of action without feeling anything. It just lacks of emotion.

CGI also looks quite bad since it looks mostly like the PS2 games backgrounds. Of course if that is made by artistic choice then it is ok and understandable, but if that tries to look more realistic then it does not look that good on modern day. It had strong early 2000s music video vibes as well.

Even I didn't liked this much, there were still some very good aspects in it. I liked the choreography in action scenes, music varies from good to great and the way the movie used colors was excellent.

All in all, this movie lacks of emotion and it is mostly just dull. It is not that bad that I couldn't see this another time with somebody if somebody wants to see this, but it is not on my priority to rewatch this alone any time soon.

Review written: 2024-03-18