The Terminator
Director | James Cameron |
Release year | 1984 |
Genre | Action / Sci-Fi |
My watch history | 2018-11-10 2023-04-13 |
Actors | Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn, Paul Winfield, Lance Henriksen, Rick Rossovich, Bess Motta, Earl Boen |

Two naked men from the future arrives quite same time in different places but both with same way - there is a lightning and suddenly there is a man who comes out of nowhere. Another one have a mission to kill, and another one have a mission to protect. The first who came from future is the cyborg what is known as The Terminator, but the another one is just a regular man who should protect the Sarah Connor, a lady who will born in future a soldier called John Connor.
The Terminator tries to prevent John Connor to be born by killing her future mother Sarah since John is a soldier who will teach others to fight against the computer intelligence what has attacked against the humankind in future.
I liked this movie. It's story is interesting even tho its logic about the timelines does not make sense. Also there is some cliche and naivity in its love story but all in all better elements of this movie is found on other things.
Cinematography was beautiful, story building and pacing was great and used style works. There is no too much rush in action scenes and action feels still like real action should feel in movies. Action scenes does not feel useless and meaningless but instead they give good balance for slower parts of the movie. There is enough action, but not too much.
CGI was mostly working, but it was easy to see on some scenes how Terminator does look like a wax mask or whatever other than real Arnold Schwarzennegger looks like. Also when the human side of the cyborg is destroyed and the robot is seen in its truest form its moving and CGI feels a little bit outdated by todays standard. Surely that is acceptable since the movie was made 39 years ago.
The storyline made me also wonder if there is any kind of warning hidden in it. Was the story inspired because it was already back then seen that the computers in future could be a threat to humankind? Was it written because of the fear of the unknown, was it written because they understood where computer development could realisticly lead as we can see nowadays in the development of A.I. and its dangers, or was it written just as a story only without any deeper meaning? Hard to say and I haven't read any interviews about it, but it is interesting to wonder if there is any deeper meaning or not.
Even there is some elements what could have been made better, this is still a classic film and for a good reason. This movie is still worth the watch even on 2023.
Review written: 2023-04-13