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The Shape Of Water

Director Guillermo del Toro
Release year 2017
Genre Drama / Fantasy / Romance
My watch history 2018-04-05
Actors Sally Hawkins, Octavia Spencer, Michael Shannon, Doug Jones, Richard Jenkins, Michael Stuhlbarg, David Hewlett, Nick Searcy


A strange creature what lives in water but what have human like features is brought to the laboratory against its will. A cleaning woman also finds this creature and she fells in love with it and helps it to escape.

I had seen this years ago on a movie theather with my co-workers back then and I stll remembered many things about this movie, so it tells to me that there is something in this movie what makes it different than most of the films in a good way.

Story is interesting and probably symbolic, at least it made me think so because of the time era where the movie world belongs. There is small signs there and there of how minorities were treated on that era and how USA and Soviet Union had competitions going on in space exploring so it makes me wonder if the main story itself also is different than just a fairy tale about love and understanding.

Visually movie was looking good. Music is beautiful, acting is good and all the basic elements just work so this was still a good movie.

Review written: 2024-03-22