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The Rape of the Vampire

Director Jean Rollin
Release year 1968
Genre Horror
My watch history 2020-04-26
Actors Solange Pradel, Bernard Letrou, Catherine Deville, Ursule Pauly, Nicole Romain, Marco Pauly, Louise Horn, Doc Moyle


There is four vampire sisters living in a castle. There comes three people who do not believe they are vampires. One of them is a psychologist or psychoanalystist and he is sure that they have just mental issues until he figures out that there might be some truth that they are more than just humans.

I had seen this movie some years ago, but I had not any memories of this. Somehow I have very mixed feelings about this. I like the general pace of the movie, slow cuts and overall relaxed feeling in storytelling. Still the story is somehow confusing. I get lost who is who and who is going to kill who and why and who are vampires and who are humans etc.

For my taste there was too many main characters that the focus was not clear and it got confusing for me at least. Maybe if I watch this movie more times this might make more sense, but at this time I did not get much out of it.

Review written: 2024-04-04


These are taken from DVD version.