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The Father

Director Florian Zeller
Release year 2020
Genre Drama / Mystery
My watch history 2024-01-16
Actors Anthony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, Mark Gatiss, Olivia Williams, Imogen Poots, Rufus Sewell, Ayesha Dharker


Anthony, an old man is noticing strange things happening around him. First her daughter comes to his apartment and tells that she is moving to Paris. Still not long later her man is there on the aparment as well even Anthony have been under impression that they his daugher and this man have been broke up. Anthony gets nurses visiting on his apartment and one of them is reminding him about his another daughter from whom he have not heard a long time. Things get more and more strange around Anthony, people are different than they were previously, apartment where he lives seems to be changing around him as well and he cannot be sure anymore what is going on.

This was sad and beautiful movie about the memory sick person and his view of reality. Broken pieces of memories are creating different kind of picture day by day and different memories are mixed together until reality becomes a mess.

Anthony Hopkins does excellent job on acting. Plot is interesting and from time to time confusing since as a viewer it is also impossible to know what is reality and what is not and it causes confusion in a good way since this movie itself is also expressing the confusion what the memory sick person might feel and how his view of reality is changing and things gets mixed.

This was a great movie.

Review written: 2024-01-16