Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Director | James Cameron |
Release year | 1991 |
Genre | Action / Sci-Fi |
My watch history | 2020-05-03 2023-05-18 |
Actors | Arnold Scwarezenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, Robert Patrick, Earl Boen, Joe Morton, S. Epatha Merkerson, Castulo Guerra, Danny Cooksey |

There will be a war in the future when advanced AI called Skynet will be a huge threat for humanity and there is lots of people dying because of this war. People are still fighting succesfully against the robots because there is man called John Connor, an excellent soldier who will make humans fight a good fight. From future comes two machines - The Terminator and newer model T-1000. Unlike on the original The Terminator, this time The Terminator is instead sent to protect and not to destory. Target whom he is sent to protect is this John Connor when he is just a child. The T-1000 have also plans for John, but his plans are far more deadlier.
Story is quite ok even tho not the best story ever, but the direction, visual style and action on this movie is still so good that it is no wonder why this is a classic movie. Schwarezennegger makes a good role as a neutral stone faced machine and it is very funny and memorable scene when he tries to act like a human and tries to learn to smile.
This was not the first time when I see the Terminator 2: Judgement Day, but there was enough time from last watch that I had forgotten almost everything so it was a good to watch again. This was good movie back then and nothing had changed since then because I found this movie still very enjoyable. CGI has not aged that well and I think that on first Terminator it had aged better, but no matter, this was still worth the watch.
Review written: 2023-05-18