Director | Sam Raimi |
Release year | 2002 |
Genre | Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi |
My watch history | 2019-02-04 2023-04-28 |
Actors | Toby Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Willem Dafoe, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, Rosemary Harris, J. K. Simmons, Joe Manganiello, Gerry Becker, Bill Nunn |

Excellent superhero action movie.
Peter Parker is a schoolboy who gets bitten by gene manipulated spider. This changes his life and he gets lots of strong powers and becomes a spider-man. He will learn hard way what will happen when possibilities to do good is not done after his uncle is dead because Peter did not stopped criminal when he had a possibility. That criminal ends up killing Peters uncle. After that Peter will start to use his strengths to help other people.
There is also a girl, Mary Jane, who is the girl to whom Peter has been in love since fourth grade. There always seems to be some other guy with whom Mary Jane is with but Peter still does not seem to get over his interest to her so there is also love story elements in this movie.
I liked this movie when I saw it first time and on this time it still felt great. It is well done action movie where story is developed well, characters have personalities, acting is excellent and all cinematic elements also works as it should in good movie. Kirsten Dunst is one of my favourite actresses and she does excellent role in this movie also.
Many newer superhero movies should learn from this about how to build the story. Here it develops slowly but surely and every character is given enough time so the viewer can understand who is who and what are the dynamics between the characters.
This is excellent movie what is still worth watching in 2023.
Review written: 2023-04-28