Spider-Man: No way home
Director | Jon Watts |
Release year | 2021 |
Genre | Action / Adventure / Fantasy |
My watch history | 2023-01-06 |
Actors | Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jon Favreau, Jamie Foxx, Jacob Batalon, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Benedict Wong, Tony Revolori |

Shallow and bad movie with good CGI.
Characters are shallow and there is not much emotion and dynamics between them. Scenes what tries to be emotional doesn't feel emotional at all since all the characters are dull and meaningless. All relationships feel so cliche and naive that it is mostly annoying to watch.
Story feels childish and lacks of focus. Other Marvel heroes and villains coming from another multiversums does not give any good to this story, they mostly just make it terrible mess.
If you have no enough previous knowledge about Marvel Universe then this movie just makes you scratch your head. Who is this Dr. Strange, what is this magic he is doing and why? Who are those characters who are visiting randomly? What are those other villains? Why they came here and from where?
Too much of the story seems to need knowledge about other Marvel movies to give at least some sense to it so if you don't have enough knowledge, this movie does not stand strongly on its own feet. In my point of view this is bad script writing, or if the script itself is good then the actual film made from it still is bad.
CGI was very well made and it was better than on many other movies.
Things what supposed to be fun are mostly cringe. Surely there was couple of moments when things were actually quite fun, but most of the time those funny moments were just annoying.
Sadly, for me there is not much to appreciate on this film except the well made CGI. Surely I was able to watch it to the end so it was not THAT bad, but it was still that bad that I don't probably want to see it again unless some of my friends totally wants to see this with me.