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Spider-Man: Homecoming

Director Jon Watts
Release year 2017
Genre Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi
My watch history 2022-08-17
Actors Tom Holland, Michael Keaton, Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tomei, Jon Favreau, Gwyneth Paltrow, Zendaya, Donald Glover, Jacob Batalon, Laura Harrier, Tony Revolor


Peter Parker is a school boy who is secretly a superhero called Spider-Man. His best friend gets to know his secret and starts to help him in his fight against the criminals. There is a criminal group who have very unnaturally powerfully weapons what they are selling to other thugs. Peter tries to stop them couple of times without success but thankfully Tony Stark aka. Iron Man comes to help him couple of times when there is a tight situation. In Peters school life there is a girl called Liz whom he is keen about but later Peter will find out that the father of this girl is the gun selling criminal who he is trying to stop as a Spider-Man.

I have seen this movie once before this time and it was not very good on first seeing and neither it was on a second view. It is watchable, but not a good one. Characters lacks of emotion and are many times just purely annoying, scenes what tries to be fun are not very fun and Peter friends group and his school is so multicultural that it just feels that it is creted just to fill all the correct checkboxes in diversity checklist that it just feels annoying and fake.

All in all, this movie is watchable but still quite bad one.

Review written: 2023-09-01