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Species: The Awakening

Director Nick Lyon
Release year 2007
Genre Action / Adventure / Horror
My watch history 2023-03-04
Actors Helena Mattsson, Edy Arellano, Mauricio Martinez, Marlene Favela, Meagen Fay, Ben Cross, Roger Cudney


Miranda lives her life with his uncle Tom. After one date night with some dude Tom finds out that Miranda have not come back to home. He gets a call that Miranda is in a hospital. Things go wild and Miranda - or her alien side - kills multiple people.

Tom escapes with Miranada to Mexico to find one person who should be able to help them. In this trip Tom tells the truth that Miranda is partly an alien and Tom is not her uncle in reality. Alien side of Miranda starts to take more control and things go more and more dangerous.

Like previous Species-movies, I liked this one also. It was well made, fun to watch Alien kind of movie without too much depth but enough entertainment. If you are waiting for a masterpiece then you probably will be disappointed, but if you search for fun entertainment in sci-fi genre then this works well.

Review written: 2023-03-04


These are taken from DVD version.