Saturday Night Fever
Director | John Badham |
Release year | 1977 |
Genre | Drama / Music |
My watch history | 2023-04-29 |
Actors | John Travolta, Karen Lynn Gorney, Barry Miller, Joseph Cali, Paul Pape, Donna Pescow, Bruce Ornstein, Julie Bovasso, Martin Shakar |

Good dancing movie where the meaning is still on deeper level.
There is one guy, Tony, who likes to hangs around with his friends all the time. He is great at dancing and that is probably only thing where he can get respect from others. At home he has always been at the shadow of his brother who is a priest. Tony sees at the dance club a lady who is great at dancing and he wants to get her, but she seems to be quite hard one to impress. They still get to know each other when they start practicing to dance together for the dance competition in the night club.
I liked this movie. It had interesting story and interesting characters and all of them seem to be broken inside quite similar way - everybody wanted attention and validation from those who didn’t appreciated them as they were. Tony wants to impress his parents and this lady but is disrespectful against those who wants his attention and validation. This lady who seems to be from better circles still search for validation and feeling to get accepted and similar behaviour is seen from others as well. Finally Tony learns that what he really search is honesty and acceptance for he really is.
Review written: 2023-04-29