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Run Sister Run! (Sisko tahtoisin jäädä)

Director Marja Pyykkö
Release year 2010
Genre Drama
My watch history 2024-01-21
Actors Ada Kukkonen, Sara Melleri, Anna-Leena Uotila, Seppo Pääkkönen, Kristiina Halttu, Heikki Nousiainen, Santeri Kinnunen, Riitta Havukainen


Emilia, a kind girl who is bored and fed up how she is stuck on her role as a good girl mets a rebel girl Siiri. They become friends and Emilia changes to be more like Siiri, but there is growing pains since the change causes lots of conflicts at her home, school and in her life in general.

This was good film and good story about growing up in teenage years. People see us who we have always been and it might cause anxiety if we want to get out that role what others set to us. Finding the balance is important in life and in this movie it was shown well made.

Review written: 2024-01-21