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Resident Evil

Director Paul W. S. Anderson
Release year 2002
Genre Action / Horror / Sci-Fi
My watch history 2020-02-22
Actors Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Ryan McCluskey, Oscar Pearce, Indra Ové, Anna Bolt, Joseph May, Robert Tannion


Big corporation Umbrella is well known their consumer electronics, but what most of the people don't know is that they are doing army technology as well as virus and genetics research. Virus is released on their lab and AI closes the facility and kills lots of people from lab so the virus cannot get outside. Virus turns people to zombies and there is also other kind of creatures because of these expirements and it would be catastrophical if zombies and creatures would get out and infect people outside of this laboratory.

This movie starts interestingly and its story is fascinating. Sadly when movie continues and action starts everything starts to lose its charm because of choices made in editing and directing.

There is too many jump scares in this movie, so everythings just starts to get boring. Jump scares does not make you scared, mostly just annoyed.

Action scenes are many times a mess where you can see chop-chop editings and it is almost impossible to get the whole picture what is going on. Too fast cuts and rotating and shaking cameras just destroys scenes and makes it garbage.

I am not a fan of pointless or at least seemingly pointless camera rotating just to make movement to the scene when it does not give any benefit. When they are hacking the computer and camera just rotates around the team it does not give anything new for the scene and if just feels pointless and annyoing.

Effects were mostly ok even modern day standards what is a good thing.

This is mostly a mediocre movie. Actors can do their job well what is excepted, there is nothing bad to say about the audio and visuals either, but the whole movie experiment just suffers because of terrible editing and directing.

I had seen this movie once before and of I can see this in future as well if somebody wants to watch it so it is not that bad, but it is not that good either that it makes me want to watch it anytime soon alone at least.

Review written: 2024-03-29