Requiem for a Vampire
Director | Jean Rollins |
Release year | 1972 |
Genre | Horror |
My watch history | 2018-06-03 2023-03-30 |
Actors | Marie-Pierre Castel, Mireille Dargent, Philippe Gasté, Louise Dhour, Michel Delesalle, Antoine Mosin, Olivier François, Dominique Toussaint |

Old but still watchable vampire movie by Jean Rollins.
In the beginning of the mobie two young woman escape with a car with their male friend. Man gets shot and dies in the car on their escape, but these ladies manage to escape to water tower. All things are not normal in that water tower and soon these ladies finds out that there is vampires living there. They should come to a vampire themselves as well soon, but not everything goes as planned. Another one loses her virginity and the old vampire tells the secret that his powers are lost and not all who should be a vampire never be a vampire.
I had seen this movie before once I guess but I didn't had much of memories about it. I think that it says enough - it is good and fine, but it is not any kind of masterpiece for me. It was a pleasure to watch again but only couple of scenes were something I had memories about.
In this movie there was softcore erotic elements so it is not suitable for everybody, but surely if you have seen Game of Thrones then probably you are not very shocked about that kind of elements.
Direction of this movie was quite refreshing to watch on 2023 since this had very different style than many newer movies. Pace of this movie was slow and it made it interesting to watch for me at least. It is interesting to see different kind of movie styles.
If you are ok with softcore elements in movies and you like vampire movies in general, this is interesting to watch. If you don't like vampire movies in general or you are not ok with erotic scenes in movies then this is not for you.
Review written: 2023-03-30