Director | Alfred Hitchock |
Release year | 1960 |
Genre | Horror / Mystery / Thriller |
My watch history | 2023-01-10 |
Actors | Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, John Gavin, Martin Balsam, John McIntire, Simon Oakland, Frank Albertson |

Classic movie and for a reason. Good film.
I actually felt this was quite oppressive even when I saw this first time on 2023. It might be that I am just too sensitive, though, but it was quite oppressive. For a horror movie that is a good sign, surely.
Story was well written and it shows how emotional attachment is much more meaningful when you want to create feeling than using just lots of jump scares and effects. Story and the characters are what matters and in Psycho characters are well written. Also acting and dialogue is well made.
After watching this It is very easy to understand why this is seen as a classic film. All good filmography elements are there and it builds the story with good pace.
Review written: 2023-01-10