Director | Park Chan-Wook |
Release year | 2003 |
Genre | Action / Drama / Mystery |
My watch history | 2023-09-14 2024-02-13 |
Actors | Choi Min-sik, Yoo Ji-tae, Kang Hye-jeong, Kim Byeong-Ok, Dae-han Ji, Dal-su Oh, Seung-shin Lee, Jin-Seo Yoon |

Man is kept prisoned for 15 years and he don't even have a clue why it is so. He manages to escape and he seeks for the the revenge, but even more, he wants to know the reason what he have done to get this cruel punishment.
Story of this movie was very interesting, even thoguh sick one. Still I was excepting so much worse so it didn't felt that sick and many newer movies have been much brutal than this one even this had some brutal scenes as well. Still the story of this movie had even more twisted sides than the graphical cruelty, but it didn't was that shocking than what I was excepting.
Visual style is great, the way the story develops is excellent and the story what had surprising elements was also a refreshing even tho it was morally sick and twisted.
Review written: 2023-09-14
Second view review
A man who is kept inprisoned 15 years gets free and seeks for the revenge. He have no clue who is behind this, but step by step he gets close to the truth.
This was a second watch for me, and this time this felt even better than first time. First time watches are quite often "does this turn scary/disgusting/anxious" but on second watch it is more easy to focus on different things when you know the big picture.
Story was interesting. The revenge and the search for the truth, what would be more interesting to get? To just punish the wrongdoer, or get to know why this happened in the first place?
In the end, this is sad and sick story in many ways, but as a movie this is a great and well done cinematography.
Review written: 2024-02-13