Johnny Mnemonic
Director | Robert Longo |
Release year | 1995 |
Genre | Action / Drama / Sci-Fi |
My watch history | 2023-02-26 |
Actors | Keanu Reeves, Dolph Lundgren, Dina Meyer, Ice-T, Takeshi Kitano, Denis Akiyama, Henry Rollins, Barbara Sukowa |

Quite average sci-fi action movie without much to say about.
It is 2021 and computers have gone much more sci-fi. Johnny have implant in his brains what can store 160 GB of data but he gets a job where he needs to download 320 GB of data to his head. It is dangerous but he will do it with catastrophical results. If he does not get data out of his head in 24 hours it will cause fatal issues for him.
Sadly same data he is carrying is his head is something what big pharma wants as well since there is cure for the illness what big pharma company does not want to tell to others since treatments are better business than cure. Johnnys life is in danger since many wants to cut of his head to get that data.
In 2023 all this sci-fi about VR etc. felt quite absurd and silly, but well, that is case almost every time in newer movies as well at least when I see it from a point of view of a nerd what I am. 320 GB of data was quite funny to think how small it is nowadays since you can get ever bigger MicroSD cards quite reasonable price. But it does not matter, this is a movie and it is not meant to make good guesses about how tehcnology will evolve but more like give some kind of visions what it could be.
Acting and story was quite average, but on story there was lots of absurdity in general. It makes not much sense in many parts, but it does not matter either in this kind of movie. It was simply fun to watch even tho it was quite silly.
Review written: 2023-02-26