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Indiana Jone and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Director Steven Spielberg
Release year 2008
Genre Action / Adventure
My watch history 2019-03-29
Actors Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Shia LaBeouf, Karen Allen, Ray Winstone, John Hurt, Jim Broadbent, Igor Zhizhikin


American army have hidden the crystal skull of an alien. Indiana Jones hears about this when criminals wants to get it to get inhuman powers.

The Kingdom of the the Crystal Skull is many ways entertaining action adventure movie, but it still lacks the emotion what keeps the viewer hooked same way than three previous Indiana Jones movies (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of the Doom and The Last Crusade).

Action somehow lacks the emotion. Partly it might be because of CGI usage what just does not work that well on some parts. Characters have not as much charisma and the criminals are not as memorable as they were on Raiders of the Lost Ark or in the Temple of Doom.

Plot also didn't had same energy what we had seen on previous Indiana Jones movies.

Even this have lots of things what could be better, I still liked it. It is not a bad movie, but when something is Indiana Jones movie, it have exceptations what others movies in same genre does not have. In that sense it is maybe unfair for this movie, but somehow it is good thing for this movie since I can accept some things what would be unaccepted in other movies in this genre.

For example this movie does not give too much information about Indiana Jones or Marion and it kind of excepts somehow its viewer to have previous knowledge about these characters to get a little bit more depth to their personas and their relationship. If you have not seen Raiders of the Lost Ark then you do not get much backstory for these characters.

All in all, entertaining movie, but it cannot compete with previous ones.

Review written: 2024-03-11