In The Mood For Love
Director | Kar-Wai Wong |
Release year | 2000 |
Genre | Drama / Romance |
My watch history | 2022-12-26 2023-09-20 2024-03-29 |
Actors | Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Maggie Cheung, Siu Ping-Lam, Tung Cho 'Joe' Cheung, Rebecca Pan, Kelly Lai Chen, Man-Lei Chan, Kam-Wah Koo |

Man and woman, Chow and Su, who are neighbours learn to know each other better as the time passes. Both are married, but they both know that their partner is cheating them. Their partners are cheating them with each other. When Chow and Su spends more time together they get the understanding how their partners could have started cheating them when their own emotions awakens towards each others.
This was third time I see this movie, and I still liked it. This is also perfect example for me why I definitely should see same movies more than once, since on the first watch I felt that this was only 6/10 but nowadays if I would give number ratings that would be much much higher. I still prefer not to give ratings to movies since I do not rate any other art either with rating systems.
I like how there is so much emotion and passion, but still dignity and pride for not becoming same kind than their partners. Emotions rise, there is a need for passion and love, but it never comes real for them, or at least it is not shown in the movie. If you watch deleted scenes on Criterion Collection DVD of this movie you will get different kind of result, but I like that in the movie it did not took that path or at least it was never shown to viewer that way.
This is sad, but realistic romantic movie. There is a need for love and passion, but sometimes we never get what we wish for.
Review written: 2024-03-29

Married man and married woman are moving and they becomes neighbours. Slowly they will learn more about each other and they both know that their partners have an affair with each others. The more they know each other the more they will also learn how their partners might have fallen in love with each others.
I had seen this movie once before but on first look I probably hadn't understood it much. On this second watch I started to think it more and liked it more as well. The way the story develops, how the characters learn the unwanted truth but also how they learns the ways how their partners might have fallen in love to others was described interstingly.
Camera usage and how the characters are shown - or not shown - was interesting and refreshing. Camera angles and how they did not follow the casual camera usage ways was very refreshing and it shows how the mood of the scene can be shown in so many different ways than the average closeup shots of the face.
All in all I liked this movie. On the first watch it did not felt that interesting, but on second watch it gave more more so this is definitely something I want to see again to learn this movie more.
Review written: 2023-09-20