Edge of Tomorrow
Director | Doug Liman |
Release year | 2014 |
Genre | Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi |
My watch history | 2023-02-12 |
Actors | Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Brendan Gleeson, Jonas Armstrong, Tony Way, Kick Gurry, Franz Drameh |

Interesting action movie what is some kind of Groundhog Day in Sci-Fi environment.
One man is sent to war against aliens even he does not want to go. He dies, but then he reborn again. Every time he dies he is reborn and he remember what happened before, just like in a movie Groundhog Day. Soldier finds out that one woman soldier had previously same kind of skill but she has lost the skill. He finds the lady almost every time and tells that he knows things what he can know only because he has been reborn again multiple times. Finally they will find a way to destroy the enemy.
This was interesting movie. Story works, visuals works and all the elements were mostly well made. Only from time to time editing was too fast for my taste and it was a little bit unclear on some scenes what happens since the editing was too fast on action scenes, but I guess that is not too fast for some others. I personally prefer a little bit slower cuts even on fast paced scenes.
For me this was a movie worth watching.