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Director Ingmar Bergman
Release year 1946
Genre Drama / Romance
My watch history 2023-09-23
Actors Inga Landgré, Stig Olin, Marianne Löfgren, Dagny Lind, Allan Bohlin, Ernst Eklund, Signe Wirff, Margit Andelius


A young girl, Inga, lives with her foster mother in a small town. One day the real mother comes to town and she wants to take the girl with her to the city. Before Inga makes her decision to go with her mother she causes a small crisis in ball by being drunk and behaving recklessly with a man named Jack - a man who appers to be close to Ingas mother as she later finds out. Life in the city is different than the life in that small town have been, but it is not as glamorous as Inga might have thought.

Crisis is a fascinating movie with interesting characters. It is intersting to think about the motives people have when they have their relationships with each others. Is their relationships based on free will and love or something more selfish?

All in all this is a great movie and totally worth the watch.

Review written: 2023-09-23