Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Director | Joss Whedon |
Release year | 2015 |
Genre | Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi |
My watch history | 2023-04-30 |
Actors | Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, James Spader, Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle |

Good superhero movie what works well in bigger picture of Marvel Universum background story.
When the Avengers are finding and fighting for Lokis sword they find also Twins whom are enhanced people. The lady have a possibility to affect minds and her brother have a skill to move at unnatural speed. Sadly for Avengers they are fighting on the side of enemies. When Avengers got the Lokis sword Stark uses its power to create powerful A.I. what should stop wars. As excepted it does not end well and the A.I. becomes a big threat for all and Avengers needs to stop it. A.I. also tries to generate better vesrsion of itself but that does not go well either and that better version goes to side of the Avengers and tries to help humankind against the A.I. and its bots.
This is a good and enjoyable movie in its own genre. Story is interesting, acting is good, CGI is beautiful, there is good balance between action and story building and directing was working well. All basic elements works so if you like Marvel movies this is basic stuff with all good elements in it.
Review written: 2023-04-30