American Sniper
Director | Clint Eastwood |
Release year | 2014 |
Genre | Action / Biography / Drama |
My watch history | 2023-04-16 |
Actors | Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Kyle Gallner, Cole Konis, Ben Reed, Elise Robertson, Luke Sunshine, Troy Vincent |

There is a young patriotic man who wants to join to army to serve his country. WTC attacks happens and after that he will be sent to mission to Iraq. From time to time there he returns from war back to home to be with his wife and kids, but even he is at home his mind seems to stay on a warzone. That causes issues at home, but when he finally gets his personal mission to get down enemy sniper finished he really is able to return to home.
This was a great war movie what does not only show cruel reality of the war, but also the real consquences what all that killing does to soldiers and their minds. There was couple of disgusting scenes what were too graphical for my kind of taste - even in war movies - but all in all this was an excellent war movie. I especially liked how it showed mental side of the war for the soldies at least on some degree so it was not overly patriothic film what romantizes how great America is and how war does not anything bad to soldiers who are fighting on the right side of history at least on the mind of general public.
Review written: 2023-04-16